
Celebrating The Collector at OnlineAuction.com

Celebrating The Collector

People have been collecting stuff for centuries. That stuff can range from everyday items, like pottery and glass, to commemorative issues, like stamps, to monetary assets, like gold, silver and coins, and more. The possibilities are endless, and if you revere a particular item, chances are someone else does, too. In today's internet savvy world, it's easy to find other like-minded folks who are willing to barter, trade, sell, and buy, often with reckless abandon. The joy is in the hunt... and the thirst to amass a collection worthy of acclaim can last years.

Jane Withers, the famous child star of the 1930's and 1940's, was a planganologist, or a doll collector. In 2004, Jane sold her entire collection at auction. What a collector's dream, to own a doll that belonged to the child who gave Walt Disney the line, "It's a small world, after all!"

People who collect autographs are called
. One example is Praful Thakkar, who has been collecting for over 50 years and boasts a collection of over 6,000 autographs! He even maintains an online gallery.

It is rumored that coin collecting became popular in
medieval times, where coins were hoarded for both artistic and historical value. Those first coin collectors became what are known today as

collect stamps, and it is estimated that over 22 million people in the U.S. today enjoy this hobby! England's King George V had one of the most famous, and possibly the largest, stamp collection in the world. That collection, further developed by his ancestors, is entitled The Royal Philatelic Collection.

Rock collectors are termed
petrologists, and may further divide their collections into specific kinds of rocks. They include igneous, meaning granite or volcanic rock, sedimentary, like sandstone or shale, and metamorphic, like slate or marble. People who specialize in sedimentary rock collections, may also be avid collectors of fossils.

Vladimir Nabokov, a multi-lingual Russian-American novelist and short story writer, was also a famed
lepidopterist, or butterfly collector
. Nabokov wrote Lolita while traveling on one of his annual butterfly collection trips in the western United States.

Although entomology is considered to be the study of insects, collectors are also referred to as entomologists. Many colleges today offer entomology courses, which are widely popular. One famous collector was prominent scientist, Charles Darwin.

Clock collectors are called
horophiles, and antique collectors are, at times, called antiquists. You'll even discover collectors of beer related incidentals, like labels, (a labologist), and beermats, or coasters, (a tegestologist).

What do you collect? How did your infatuation begin? What is your greatest, or funniest, find? Frequently the stories behind the collection are as enthralling as the collection itself!

Indulge me with your story...
and you may appear in a future Fleapirates Plunder Blog Post!

Send your story to:
Fleapirates@att.net today!  


Aesthetics48 said...

Interesting post and great new tact. :) Good post.

kornkountrytreasures said...

Love your post! Didn't know there were so many different names for different collectors out there! Me, I just collect random stuff! No real mystery, just things that pop out at me!!! Perhaps that could be called "randomology"! hehe!

Fleapirates said...

I love it... randomology!

But not ONE funny story??? ;)