
What do you expect for online sales in 2009?

    I just read an article on AOL
    predicting that as many as 14,000 retail stores could close in the next year. Yikes! They didn't mention online retailers, but where does that leave us, the treasure hunters, the flea market sellers, the Mom & Pop shops? The article refers to a "shop-til-you-drop" mentality and the possibility that it may soon be a thing of the past for many Americans.

    Truth be told,
    I haven't shopped 'til I dropped since I was foot-loose and fancy-free, without the responsibilites of parenthood! We have, in recent years though, cut back on our family spending, almost unconciously, as bills grew larger and available funds grew smaller. We still spend though, and I pray to find my favorite retailers online for years to come.

    So instead of talking about what we all have for sale, let's talk about our buying habits.

    I've been buying stuff online for 10 years! I can't even remember the first thing I ever bought, but I've found plenty of clothing, jewelry, books, cd's, dvd's, musical instruments, sporting goods, & miscellaneous goodies over the years. My favorite find is anything to do with King Arthur! What's your favorite thing to buy online? And where?

    The best part about buying online is being able to shop in your jammies, with a cup of java by your side, don't you think? You can research your product without driving all over town, and you can find the best deals with a click of your mouse! I don't always Google... sometimes I know exactly where I want to shop. Other times, I'll do comparison shopping at large retail stores, or check to find out if a product is available at my local store, like Target, (I love that store!). Always, I check to see if that same product is available at OnlineAuction.com, which feels like my second home.

    In thinking about where online retailers will be in 2009, I am wondering about the people who are already accustomed to shopping online. Will they change their habits? For me, I usually shop for things that are needed, like birthday & holiday gifts, so my shopping will not change much. My last purchase on OLA was for a holiday gift, and it came from build-a-box, who gave me a great deal on a computer tablet for my teenager! Ooh, I got lots of great holiday gifts, from a number of OLA sellers, like brightgems4u, draggontagger, supergranny, & anniemae! (That's only naming a few, and not meant to slight any others.) And just this week, I ordered the movie Anchors Aweigh from Turner Classic Movies. What did you buy recently???

    I've got a bookmark list on OLA. (Don't we all have lists?) Right now, in no particular order, I've got items bookmarked from 6 different sellers. My next purchase will probably be from VictoriousRival... she's got some Anti Monkey Butt Powder
    that would make a fantastic gag gift to sneak into the Welcome Back To College box that I will be sending my son at the end of the month!

    So, I'll be doing my small part to help keep our online friends active and afloat. And I will continue to shop online all through 2009, concentrating on supporting my fellow OLA sellers. What will you do?

    Something's always cookin' at OLA! For starters, check out the Wednesday Wave, or the Fabulous Friday Sales, in which you'll find specials from 30 to 50 unique sellers. Watch the OLA News Page, for upcoming events. And whenever you're in the shopping mood, don't forget to relax at your computer for awhile, before hitting the mall!

    Of course, I want you to shop at OLA, but in reality, shopping anywhere online will help keep e-commerce alive, and hope in the hearts of all of us sellers.

    Don't forget to check out FLEAPIRATES PLUNDER

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Build-a-Box said...

Thanks for mentioning our store Build-a-Box in your blog! I'm so glad your daughter is enjoying the engenius pad, maybe you could post some of her creations in your blog? My Uncle gifted my Dad with the Anti-Monkey-Butt powder for Christmas.... He offers some to everyone who comes over. Pretty hilarious. Leaving a comment was much easier on your blog than superG's. I signed in and still don't see a 'comment' place there.

Fleapirates said...

That's a great idea, Bryant! I asked her to draw me a pirate... we'll see what she comes up with! :)

Try this with SG: when you look at the bottom of THAT DAY'S entry, you should see that there are already 2 comments. Click on the "2 comments", like you were going to read what was said, and a new window should open up with a place to post a comment yourself. If not, I am confuddled!

Anonymous said...

Well you certainly did take your time writing this section of your blog. Very well said and a great post. I hope internet shopping for collectibles and such never go away. :)

Fleapirates said...

Thanks grouchow! :)

Unknown said...

Cut your shopping bill with free printable coupons.

Fleapirates said...

I get the Sunday Chicago Tribune every week and am always clipping coupons! :) Share with us where you find 'em, and I'll check it out!

And thanks for your comment! Hope you visit us at OLA!