
OLA Welcome Home Sale Concludes

Today marks the conclusion of the OLA Welcome Home Sale. Over 62 sellers participated in the year's largest OnlineAuction.com sale, featuring 5000+ products, attractively priced, and promoting Classic Auctions which lasted for 7 days.

I am thrilled to say that I had several sales at Fleapirates Plunder! Thank you to all my treasured buyers! I am proud, and blessed, to be a part of such an active, friendly and professional community.

Holiday shopping was at the front of my mind this week, as prices were slashed and great deals abounded. You should have seen my bookmark list... it was over 3 pages long! Unfortunately, some unexpected home issues affected how much I could spend, and I was only able to snag one treasured gift. What didn't get gobbled up in the sale remains on my bookmarks, and I'll continue shopping again soon. I usually start holiday shopping early, don't you? Last year, I bought nearly every gift on OLA! This year will be no different.

My plunder this week is a purchase from The*Tiki*Shak. It is a Cardinal Bird Feeder that my Mom will adore! She loves cardinals, and collects anything that shows off those beautiful red birds. Tiki has lots of other neat treasures in her store... click on the cardinal pic and I'll take you there to browse!

This may not be the brightest idea I've ever had, but I am going to let you peek at a few of the items that are still on my bookmarks. (Fight me for 'em, if you must!) These items are still listed in Classic Auction style, and to see their details, just click on the photo. And don't forget... if you are not yet a member of OLA, sign-up takes only a minute or two, and it doesn't cost a thing to become a basic buyer. We'd love to welcome you to our community!


Aesthetics48 said...

Some really great deals where had on the WHS..... I got some of them too!

Supergranny said...

I also snagged a couple of bargains...like you they will be xmas presents. I bought most everything on my list at ola. Would have bought more but that hole in the sock that is buried in the back yard is still leaking:)

Sunflower Ranch said...

Flea! It was a great sale!! I enjoyed both sides of the transaction and decided I will definitely list more classic auctions for this fall shopping season. From a buyer's point of view -- it's terrific! I love your bargain and I think you Mom will too! Thanks for posting!! :D