
House-Cleaning at OLA!

I've been checking out all the great bargains at OnlineAuction.com!

There's a nice variety of used and new products, in every price range, and offered from some of the friendliest and
most knowledgeable sellers online.

While the majority of OLA members are located across the entire breadth of the USA, I've recently noticed that more international folks are joining the ranks. That is wonderful... welcome! I am experienced in both buying and selling internationally, and would encourage every member to learn more about reaping the benefits of international trade.
A good place to start is the USPS, where you will find a wealth of topics detailing shipping instructions, requirements and restrictions to each and every country.

Did you listen to OLA-Radio last week? OnlineAuction.com owner Chris Fain was the guest speaker! He spoke at length about his vision for building the #1 online marketplace, the successes we've already enjoyed and the continual improvement plans that he has set for the future. Although he did not expound in great detail on some of the upcoming surprises that members can expect, he did mention an advertising campaign and other enhancements that are in the works to benefit all members. You can hear the archived OLA-Radio program by clicking here.

Since we are growing, isn't this a good time to ensure that you are up-to-date on all the features at OnlineAuction.com? It is time to put our best face forward! By effectively using the tools that are available to you, from both the OLA staff and other OLA members, you may increase the efficiency of your own business operation and leave a positive impression upon people who are visiting the site for the first time.

Let's face reality... if a new buyer visits you, and can't find what they are looking for in your store, (or your individual listings), they are less likely to come back. If you don't have good photographs, they will look for someone who does. And if you don't list your shipping charges, they might not take the time to write you and ask.

Here is a list of HELP topics that you can find in the OLA Chat Forum:
Now, these suggestions are just a cross-section of all the HELP topics available! Please take some time to peruse all the aids, and let's do some house-cleaning... we've got guests on the way!

I am on a kick about category organization right now. Yes, it is a chore, especially when you are adding new items and selling existing ones. Remember this... who wants to sort through a bunch of category selections and receive numerous No Auctions Found results? Not me! I try to re-set my category list at least once a week, to minimize the chance of seeing that notice in my store.

Anyone who needs help or tips on this task may contact me! It is not difficult, once you have walked through the steps a time or two. You may also contact either Renee or Rowen in OLA Support, by calling the toll-free phone number, 800-900-2828.

Let's all work together to create a welcoming site for new buyers and sellers, one that is easy to navigate, fun to shop, and encourages repeat business!

Thanks for reading! Be sure to stop by Fleapirates Plunder the next time you are browsing OLA!


CurioCache said...

As always, your posts are fantastic! Entertaining, informative, helpful, friendly, professional...need I go on?? You're the BEST!!!

Aesthetics48 said...

Outstanding! Hope lots of memebers read this. I'll help anyway I can too.

Supergranny said...

Thanks, Flea, you've reminded me to re-set my categories. I've not done that in several months probably. Appreciate all your efforts!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, once again, Miss Flea! I do a small scale reaccessment of my items each time I add some, which is often on a daily basis, and I often find something that could be placed in another category or embellished (or simplified) by adding or changing a few words in the description. This often makes it better identify with the chosen category.